Friday, July 18, 2014

Out of Milk

I still have about 2 weeks of breast milk in the freezer, but I am now officially done pumping. And NOW I am able to accept that. As many of you know I have had to pump since the beginning because Josie and I could never quite get the swing of things feeding skin to skin. I was the mom that scheduled my days around my pumps, excused myself from company to seclude myself to extract milk, and YES even pumped during a traffic jam (twice) in the car on our way to MI this past May. There were times I told myself to throw in the towel because it was too much. However between my amazing support group of friends (especially Katie and Andrew) they would convince me to keep on keepin' on. And I'm so thankful they did. I struggled with stopping at different times the past 7 months; Mastitis, low supply, and (sadly) inconvenience. But in the end I would always continue when reminded that 'some' is better than none. At the end of every month I would make it my goal to make it one more week, one more month. I felt that these short term goals helped me continue pumping as long as I did. Of course I would have loved to provide Josie with milk until at least 12 months +, but my body began producing less and less-regardless of what I did to increase my supply. It got to the point that I was only able to pump two-three times a day to even get enough for a full bottle. (Josie has been drinking a MINIMUM of 6 oz each feeding which is every 3-4 hours still, even after introducing solids). I finally started preparing myself that I may need to consider stopping for my own sake. This made me feel selfish and I really struggled emotionally with it for a few weeks. In those last few weeks, my pumps were lasting 45 minutes and my pump was at its highest setting. I was only getting about 2 oz total at each pump. Once again, my amazing supporters (Katie and Andrew) made me see the cup half full. I had been able to provide Josie with breast milk for almost 7 months! Those 7 months gave her a great start and I should be proud of what I accomplished (which I am).
We have been transitioning Josie into formula by mixing breast milk and formula and slowing weaning her off the milk as supply goes down. We originally started with Enfamil Infant, but found only after one day it gave Josie gas and stomach aches. We switched over to Enfamil Gentlease, which worked well, but caused constipation and she wasn't crazy about drinking it. We have finally found a formula that works for us with no issues (fingers-crossed)--Enfamil Reguline.
Some of you may remember (and have been thinking all along) about my large 400oz donation to the Mother's Milk Bank earlier in the year. I don't blame you. The answer to your question is No, I would not have been able to feed Josie any longer than what I did if I would have saved that milk for her, instead of donating it. Per our Doctor's instruction, that milk would only be able to be used for up to 3 months after freezing it because of our type of upright freezer. Yes, we could have purchased a deep freezer, which would have allowed us to use it 6-12 months after, but we did not have the room or extra cash at the time to make it happen. Do I regret donating? No! Absolutely not! Being able to donate my milk to a child who needed it all while being able to still provide for my own of the greatest sense of fulfillment to date. And yes, if history repeats itself, I would do it all over again.
Since switching to mostly formula and stopping pumping all together, Josie and I are doing great. I get to spend extra time with her during the day that I would normally spend pumping, and she is obviously not suffering (she's in the 90th percentile for weight and off the charts in height). 

Stick with me...I know my posts have been down, but I am in the final few weeks with my last college class, EVER!

7 Months!

Little Miss Sassy Pants is now 7 months old.

-Starting to scoot on her booty.
-Doing great with her sippy cup.
-LOVES fresh strawberries.
-Taught herself how to blow raspberries and spit (I'm sure you can imagine the enthusiasm in my voice.)
-LOVES the water.
-Little Miss Sassy Pants has quite the attitude.
-Laughs when things are funny-SO adorable.
-Ticklish almost everywhere (even her forearms)
-Cooperates brushing her teeth every night (as long as Mommy sings her the teeth brushing song)
-Took a trip with Mommy and Daddy to her first flea market-everyone though she was a boy. (She was wearing a hot pink John Deere onesie)

6 Months...a month late.

Josie is (was) 6 months!

-Still has two teeth, working on a couple more.
-Says Mama (conveniently only when she cries-which isn't often)
-Sits up on her own.
-Very interested in her dogs and kitty.
-This month was all about loving to hang with Daddy.