Tuesday, November 25, 2014


My Thankful List of Daily Life throughout the year.

1. A new tradition; We give thanks to God before every meal. 

2. I make a point to share with Andrew how proud I am of his accomplishments and appreciate his hard work for our family. He does the same in return.

3. We say, "I Love You" whenever we feel it.
4.We work as a team. 

5. A happy marriage.

6. Our sweet Josie girl.

7. Royce and Reba who complete our little family.

8.  The combination of talents that Andrew and I bring to the table, making our DIY Cabin Fix-Up a little easier and much more personalized.

9. The roof over our heads; We officially close on Farmwood Lane Dec.5--thankful for selling it so fast. Excited for the new roof at the cabin which will be our shelter for the next few years.

10. Family and Friends that understand our trips to MI are short, but appreciate that time spent with us and those who make the trip in return to see us in TN!

11. Andrew's job that has allowed me to have my dream job by staying home with Josie.

12. Health

13. Getting back to our roots; Serenity of our new home. Getting away from all the hustle and bustle of the city.

14. Happiness filling our hearts.

15. Laughter filling our home.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pinching Penny's

Aside from doing a lot of our home projects ourselves, which saves us $$, I also try and do some things to help our budget. Having only one income has it's challenges. The largest things I notice are Baby necessities and groceries taking most from the budget.
Here are some things that I do to try to give us some extra cushion for our budget...
1. Buy used clothing. I shop at Goodwill/Thrift Stores at least twice a month. I buy clothes for Josie, Andrew &I , and pick up household things if I find them.
2. Errands. I try and pick a day when I do all my appointments or errands in the same day. Sure it makes for a long day, but I find that I am so much more productive during the week when I have all those little things out of the way. It also saves on Gas by cutting down my trips out.
3. EBay/Etsy. I have a buying/selling account for both of these sites. The used clothing that doesn't fit Josie anymore goes into my EBay tote. Once it's full I list it on EBay. This allows me to have a constant PayPal balance that can be set aside for things I may need. I buy a lot of Josie's immediate needs off Ebay from my PayPal balance--including formula! Etsy is an awesome site, as well. I can use my PayPal balance on there to buy gifts for friends/relatives without having to take it out of our checking. At one time I had my Sissy Boo Baby items on Etsy, but just didnt have the time to maintain it. Hoping I can get some things listed again in the new year! Once the PayPal balance is out, I sell more items to fill it back up.
4. Cooking Homemade Meals. Homemade to me doesn't necessarily need to mean from scratch. Sure, I cut corners and buy a frozen pizza when its on sale for us to throw in the oven on an evening that we are crunched for time. I just mean we limit out dining-out. This is a huge savings. I find it fun to challenge myself to make a meal for under a certain $ amount per serving. It's crazy to compare!
5. DIY. This can be applied to any of the above categories. I have tried to become a lot better about doing this. Here are some of my recent examples:
---I had been eyeballing an expensive Boutique outfit for Josie to wear for Thanksgiving, but could never bring myself to spend the money on something that she will wear ONCE! I decided I could make something just as cute with a little extra time and effort. I bought a hat NEW off Ebay for couple bucks, bought a pair of gently used Green corduroy pants on Ebay, and used one of Josie's white LS tops to embroider a turkey on. The outfit I was looking at was over $30. I made/put together Josie's for less than $5.
---I had full intentions to use a 3D wallpaper that I had but never used at the other house to do my back splash in the kitchen here. However, in my thought process, I decided not to do my dream backsplash when I don't know that I will be able to enjoy it forever...(we are renting this house). So, instead of putting time and extra $ into the back splash I opted to do a textured spray paint. I bought 2 cans of the Hammered Copper Spray paint, taped off the back splash, and love the way it turned out!
---My final example I will show you one of my favorite ways to save $ in the kitchen. We eat garlic bread like its going out of style. It's really not too pricey at the store, but when you add it up in your monthly budget, its eating a good chunk of it. I make our own garlic bread and freeze it. I buy the french loaves when they go on sale...Walmart usually has them for $1 per loaf. I bought two. You will need butter, garlic salt or powder, oregano/basil or italian seasonings, shredded and Parmesan cheeses (not powdered). You will also need quart freezer bags and aluminum foil cut into strips/squares. These ingredients are always on hand at our house, so it makes this really easy. Here is a photo tutorial of how-to:

All ingredients.

For the butter mixture, 1-1/2 stick butter (2 if you are using shredded cheese)
at room temperature--do not microwave to soften! Garlic salt, Italian seasonings to taste
I usually do about 1/2 tbsp each. Mash with spoon or rubber spatula.

Add in Parmesan cheese and shredded cheese if making cheesy garlic bread.
Mash into butter mixture. Set aside.

Cut each loaf along "slits"

Shown Here.

Cut each "slit" piece into 2 or 3 pieces. You will want each slice to be about 3/4"-1" thick.
Spread butter/cheese mixture onto each piece with BACK of SPOON.
You can use whatever you like, but I find this is the easiest way and doesn't rip
the bread.

Place a piece of foil between two buttered pieces (butter facing eachother)

In one quart freezer bag, I can usually get 4 large pieces per bag.

Seal up bag, getting out as much air as possible.

Complete process for all pieces.

Freeze and enjoy the delicious $avings!

 TOTAL for this tutorial I was able to make 32 pieces of Garlic bread for  the $2 invested into the bread and pennies of things I had on hand in the house. You can re-use your freezer bags, too. Just stack the empty ones back in the freezer until you have enough to do another batch!

Hard Work=Progress

I swear I am completely shocked every time I log in to post something (thinking I am on top of things) only to find out it has been a month-or more since my last posting! Ugh. I hope you'll forgive me. Yes, Josie is still growing like a weed and getting cuter by the day. Yes, we still live like hermits in the middle of 58 wooded acres. Yes, I have made leaps and bounds on the house since my last post. Yes, I. AM. EXHAUSTED.
This isn't the dramatic before and afters, but it shows great progress. We are nearing the end in many large projects. Goal is to be done with most of them by year's end. Fingers Crossed.
One of our biggest undertakings was replacing the buckled (and mildewed) wood flooring in the back half of the lower level of the house. This consisted of 3 rooms; Master Bedroom, Laundry/Hallway, and Bathroom. I may be repeating myself a but, but just want to get everyone up to speed with our projects.

The flooring in the bathroom and hallway came up first. It was replaced with tile. The laundry room was finished (minus a little trim work to be done) and I am utilizing my shelving in there as a pantry, since the kitchen is lacking one. This has taken some adjusting since at the Farmwood (previous) house, I had a walk-in pantry. Sigh.
Bathroom Before moving in


Bathroom in Progress...

Second up, was the flooring in the Master Bedroom. Someone lit a fire in my butt one morning and I tore the entire thing up in an afternoon. I primed the next day and carpet followed one day after. I finished up the walls the day of carpet installation and we moved all our furniture in the next day. Boom.Boom.Boom.

Master before moving in...

After Pulling floors and Priming Floor.

New Carpet, Paint, and Window Treatments

Master in Progress....need to get some art on the walls!

I gave up on getting my cabinets done by my goal of Thanksgiving. The time and effort it took to complete the top cabinets took a lot out of me--including my motivation. However, I did complete my $12 backsplash last weekend. I planned to do it a little differently, but seeings how we are renting, I didn't want to put too much into something I can't love forever. This has been the toughest challenge, yet.....trying NOT to fall in love with this charming little cabin. If and when you visit, you will understand. The bottom cabinets are still on the list of goals for the end of year completion.
Before Moving in....

Top Cabinets get primed

Top Cabinets Painted and filled.

New Copper Back splash

Close Up of Backsplash.

Another Shot.

So, like I said. PROGRESS! I finally feel like we are getting somewhere. I will include some more pictures of upstairs bath, Josie's room, and laundry next time.