It was Sunday, November 1st (due date was October 26) and I had been having irregular contractions for three days. They would start at night around bedtime and last until about 10 or 11 the next morning. They always started around 30 minutes apart and would decrease down to 6 minutes before they would completely stop. I was scheduled that Tuesday for my second non-stress test and also for my 41 week appointment. Baby wasn't moving as much as I was comfortable with and I was beyond irritable from the past three sleepless nights and constant discomfort. I called into the Birthing Center and decided to go in for a non-stress test that afternoon instead of waiting for Tuesday. I put Josie down for a nap and Andrew stayed home with her while I drove myself into the Birthing Center for my test. My Contractions had gotten down to 6 minutes apart so I secretly hoped they would just admit me when I got there. (They had to be 5 minutes apart for 30 minutes to be admitted). I got there around 12PM and was hooked up to the non-stress test machine which monitors baby's heart rate and my contractions (which much to my disappointment had stopped by the time I got to the test---I even had to stop for one on the sidewalk walking in!!) I was on the machine for about 20 minutes when they had me drink some juice to get baby moving. Once the sugar kicked in, they monitored me for another 30 minutes and decided everything looked fine, but wanted me to walk around a little while to see if I could get m contractions started up again to monitor before I headed home. (I really think the nurse was just being nice and had me walk because she saw how disappointed I was that they were going to send me home.) I walked a few laps around the hallways and at 1:15PM I felt a very sharp knotted contraction pain. Seconds later, my water broke! The on-call doctor was around the corner and I walked to her and told her my water broke. (She gave me a questionable smile--I don't think she believed me) She hooked me back up to the machine and realized my contractions were very regular and coming on fast and strong. She told me to call Andrew and whoever was going to watch Josie. Luckily, my parents were on their way already--my mom was coming to stay for a few days to help with Josie since I was so exhausted and uncomfortable. I told Andrew I was being admitted and that everything was happening fast. I got settled into my room around 2PM and Andrew got there to join me at 3:30PM.
**When I had arrived at the birthing center at Noon that day I was dilated to a 1 with 0% effacement. Immediately after my water broke, they checked me and I was at a 2.5 and 50% effaced. When Andrew got there, they checked me again; I was at a 5 and 100% effaced.
Things progressed very quickly. The doctor asked if I wanted an epidural because we would need to order it and do it fast if I wanted one. The anesthesiologist got there around 5PM and decided along with my doctor we wouldn't have time for an epidural and instead chose to do an intrathecal (spinal). This shot would only last 2 hours, but the doctor was sure that would be plenty of time because baby would be here very soon. The nurse checked me again after my spinal and told me I was fully dilated and we were ready to push. I started pushing around 5:40PM and at 5:56PM Clint Andrew joined us. He came out with a set of lungs and was able to do skin to skin for quite a while before I cut the cord. (Yes, you read that right, I got to cut the cord!) So many emotions in such a short period!
Clint Andrew arrived at 5:56PM weighing 8lb 8oz and 21-1/2 inches long. He was a beautiful baby and perfect in every way. My birthing experience was very fast, strong, and intense. It is an occasion I can remember vividly, but even in my head can't comprehend the level of pain. I am very thankful for my nurse, Alecia, who talked me through it and stayed by my side through everything. Her presence alone, was comfort. Andrew was a little taken back at the intensity of my labor, but did everything I asked of him to help me through it. I think we were both a little in shock, as Josie's labor was 17 hours. Clint's was less than 5! Andrew's love, support, and encouragement through this pregnancy and labor and delivery once again confirmed for me that hi is truly the love of my life, my rock, and my very best friend. I am so blessed to have such a great man be the father of my children.
Clint was a name that Andrew and I chose toward the end of our pregnancy. It was always one that continued to come back to us as a top contender. His middle name came with some heavy discussion, but we finally decided with, Andrew, after his dad. We liked the sound of Clint Andrew and felt it was the perfect name for our little man.