Saturday, December 28, 2013

Josephine James Wiltshire

Yay! Baby Girl Wiltshire is here! Andrew and I LOVE being parents and couldn't ask for a more in a baby than what we have in Josie. Here is our Birth Story:

I went to my scheduled (39week) appointment on Tuesday, December 17th. During that appointment I was dilated to a 3-4 and 100% effaced. Because of the Christmas Holiday coming up, my doctor spoke to me about induction because she would be off the full week of Christmas. Upon speaking with her, our doctor, Andrew and I found it best for me and baby to be induced before the Holiday. Our main reason being that the hospital would be short staffed and our doctor couldn't give us names of on-call doctors because it was drawn at random during the week. There were just too many things to be unsure about going in.
Andrew was not able to go to the appointment with me, but was able to talk to me over the phone to decide on Thursday, December 19th for us to go in to be induced (our other option was to go in that same night...but I wanted to give baby the chance to come naturally since the doctor guessed it could be any time now.)
I got home that night and was talking over all the procedures and info with Andrew over dinner (Meatloaf and Mac n Cheese) when my water broke. I couldn't believe it so I excused myself to the bathroom, then called Andrew in and told him I thought my water broke. We laughed for 5 minutes straight. I called into the hospital, started packing stuff up for the stay,and made arrangements for the dogs. We were out of the house 30 minutes later and on the way to the hospital my contractions were getting stronger and about 2 minutes apart.
We arrived at the hospital around 7:30pm and were immediately hooked up to a contraction tracker machine and also one to track baby's heartbeat. They also had to do some tests to confirm my water broke. I was a solid 4 cm dilated when we arrived. We were admitted to the hospital at 8:30pm.

 I was doing great managing my pain (going in I planned to go natural) by walking the halls and breathing. Because I wasn't on IV drugs, I only had to be hooked up every 40 minutes to track contractions and baby's heartbeat. 
By 11:30pm I was dilated to 6cm and started really feeling it. I tried to take a shower, but the nozzle was broken and I ended up being more uncomfortable after my shower than before. I decided to accept a drug called Fentonal (sp?) which would allow me about 2 hours of some pain relief and could only be administered up to 6cm. I was able to sleep the entire two hours on that through contractions.
I continued my walking through the night and early morning until my doctor came to see me around 6:30am.
I was still dilated to a 6 and she talked to Andrew and I about an epidural out of concern that I would be too tired and wore down to push if my labor continued to stall. Andrew supported her and was able to coax me into a decision of getting the epidural that I do not regret at all. 
The epidural was stronger on the left side than the right so the nurses had to come in every half hour and rotate me to my sides (which was impossible to get any sleep on that schedule). In checking my dilation, they discovered flipping me caused baby to rotate his/her head sideways, which then became their primary concern. 

I started feeling pressure around 11:00am and had my nurse re-check me at 11:30am to find that I was fully dilated! (They were expecting my labor to slow down after the epidural and we had to talk about possible induction).
Go figure, another bump in the road, when they called my doctor to have her come so I could start pushing and she was already in route to a scheduled C-Section at a different hospital. She instructed them to have me wait to push and she would be back at 12:30pm.
At 1:00 pm, my nurses came in and informed me Dr. Carr was on her way and we were going to start (practice) pushing. After only a few contractions, they had me wait again. Dr. Carr came in and we pushed for almost 30 minutes and Josephine James Wiltshire arrived. 
Because her head was turned, she came out not receiving oxygen, so she had to be whisked away quickly to get her breathing again. In just a few seconds, the most beautiful sound filled our room and my baby girl was brought to me. The most incredible-surreal feeling in the world.

Josephine James Wiltshire arrived at 1:27pm weighing 7lb 10oz and 20inches long. Perfection.
Looking back, I would not change one thing about my birthing experience. And I would not want anyone else by my side helping me through it than my amazing husband. I say husband of the year, but that would be an understatment. He is truly the love of my life, my rock, my best friend, and the best daddy a woman could wish for her child. 
Josephine was a name that Andrew and I have had picked out since the beginning and really the only one we truly agreed 100% on. Her middle name is after Andrew's dad. We wanted something unique and felt that "Josie James" couldn't be any cuter or fitting for our little girl. 
Nicknames (so far): Joser Bean, Beany, Jos, Josie, Josie Posie, Punkin Tunkin, JJ, Tilly

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Baby GIRL: Josephine James Wiltshire arrived December 18, 2013.
I am so looking forward to typing up our birth story and sharing our precious Josie with you all.
However, baby girl needs me more now and that is where I will be.
Josie has been battling Jaundice. At her first check-up visit (Monday) we were sent to the ER to be admitted under critical Jaundice levels and spent the night. We were released late Christmas Eve and were able to spend our first Christmas at home, together. However, at her follow-up appointment, today, her blood test results showed that her levels spiked back up. We are able to treat her at home, but would appreciate prayers of patience, strength, and love in helping to get our sweet girl back to where she needs to be.
I will not be posting on here until then. All our love during the Holidays!!!!

xoxo Sadie, Andrew, & Josie

Monday, December 16, 2013

Who will baby look like?

39 Weeks
Just looking at the two of us (Andrew and I), will have lots of hair.
But it has been fun to look through the book of guesses that I put together from family and friends.
Guesses have been a combination of just about everything as far as hair goes;
blonde, dark, curly, bald...even red.
Neither Andrew or I have blue eyes, so I am excited to see if that will be the same in our little one.
Both of us have very dominant features (especially our eyebrows).
It is so crazy to think that the baby can look like only one of us or a combination of us both at the same time or change in a matter of days or weeks.
Whose nose, lips, eyes will they most resemble?
It will be fun to see which features stand out most if the baby is a boy or girl...
Will our little guy be a Mini-Andrew and our little girl be a little Olive-skin toned dark curly headed lady? Or will they resemble someone else in our family as a youngster? These are just some things that have kept me positive and fight through the frustration of baby being stubborn about their arrival!
Today is also the day that I guessed for baby's arrival...
My guess: BOY, today 12/16 at 4:30PM weighing 8lb 5 oz and 20in long.

Here are Andrew and I's baby pictures....

Saturday, December 14, 2013


I started having contractions Thursday evening that lasted a little over a minute each and occurred every 20 minutes. Then, they slowed and eventually stopped throughout the night. Friday began with me getting up at 4am with contractions again, this time 10 minutes apart and lasting about 50-60 seconds, but only lasted for about 2 hours and then slowed and stopped. Around 9am they started back up again, 7 minutes apart and lasted just over a minute each. This lasted for an hour then, once again slowed and stopped. Sigh. I have had a few random ones, but obviously nothing consistent enough to go in. Dr said once they are regularly 5 min apart for 2 hours, we need to head into the hospital. We are headed out to the mall today since the rain ruined my outdoor state park walk with the dogs plans. Hopefully we can get contractions jumpstarted and get this baby here!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Baby Proofing the House

Sorry for the boring post...running a little low on imaginitive inspiration today...

We have the main basics done in regards to "Baby-Proofing" our home. We are not getting too crazy with it, but are sure that our home will be a safe place for our child to grown up in.

Baby-Proofing we have done

  • Installed safety plugs on lower level outlets
  • None of our furniture had sharp edges previously, so we didn't have to pad corners of anything...

Baby-Proofing not done
(will be completed as appropriate to baby's age)

  • Baby Gate top of Stairs (our only stairs lead to basement)
    • I plan to teach the baby/toddler how to properly navigate the stairs, but before they have mastered this, the gate will help separate dogs and baby when/if necessary and also prevent falling as our stairs are exposed in the living room and entry/hallway.
  • Cupboards/Cabinets (as see necessary)
    • The only cupboards/cabinets I plan to baby-proof is the one under the sink b/c of chemicals

Baby-Proofing we are not planning to do.
(Yeah, yeah...bad mommy or whatever, but #1 I plan to never let my child wander out of my sight and/or #2 leave them unattended long enough to allow them to get into something that could cause them harm. And in my opinion some of these measures (you are entitled to your opinion as well) are a little extreme, unnecessary, and silly) I never had these growing up and survived....

  • Anchor Large Furniture pieces to the wall
  • Baby-locks on Toilet
  • Baby-locks on door knobs
  • Pinch-Protectors in door cracks
  • Baby-lock oven door
  • Baby-lock Dryer door

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Baby Classes 2 & 3 of 3

Andrew and I had our birthing class two weeks ago. I chose not to put it in its own post because I was so disappointed by it. We paid $75 (the most of all the classes) for the 3- 1/2 hour evening class and it was literally like a lecture from a textbook about labor and delivery with a slideshow and a few movie clips. We never got on the floor to practice labor positions or breathing techniques...we sat in a chair the entire time. Not to mention, Andrew and I were the only couple of 6 that didn't laugh out loud when it showed a woman's Vagina or Breasts during the birth video. WOW. What are we in Middle School Health Class!?! And Scene.

Thankfully, my breastfeeding class last night was completely opposite of my horrible experience with the Birthing Class. I let Andrew stay home for it, since I didn't know how detailed they would get. (Which also allowed him to have a guys night with one of our neighbors that he hasn't been able to hang with in a while.) 

I can honestly say that of all things to be anxious about the closer baby gets here, is breastfeeding. It's nothing that I'm scared about or fear that I'll quit, it's more just not feeling educated and/or prepared...(hence why I took the breastfeeding class). A friend also loaned me a book called, The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins- 6th Edition, which has helped out tremendously in easing some of that anxiety. I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but Andrew also helped me set up a "breastfeeding station" in our bedroom, including a mini-fridge with Propel, waters, cheese, apples, and yogurts for me to re-fuel during the night or just a little sanctuary to go to when we have company the first 3-4 weeks after baby is here so I can focus on breastfeeding and not worry about having people come in and out or me disrupting a feeding, needing something to eat or drink. I will also keep the pumped breast milk in this fridge so it stays separate from the kitchen fridge.

The Breastfeeding class was taught by the lactation specialist whom I will most likely see in my days at the hospital. She has been a lactation specialist for over 20 years. I learned so much in the 2- 1/2 hour class and feel that I wouldn't have questioned paying double what I did for all the information I received. She also gave each new mother her personal email and phone # to call or email at any time with questions, anytime. Since Andrew didn't attend the class, I went through my notes when I got home while everything was fresh on my brain. Its still a little scary, but I feel like I have "fight power and knowledge" to jump those breastfeeding hurdles with now.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Hospital Bags

Packing the Hospital Bags is something that I have been looking most forward to...(to be completely honest I have packed, unpacked, and repacked the baby's several times already.) The list of items I decided to pack were compiled from a list on my baby app on the IPad, PregnancyHD by Health & Parenting Ltd, advice from other mom's, and my own personal requests. You that have already experienced labor may laugh at my list or those who haven't experienced may have an opinion, too. I am sure that the list will change or I will regret taking too much or too little with me, but this IS my first rodeo and I feel that I will be ready for it...
I also want to tell you a little about our room (it will make some items make for sense)...
Our room will have its own mini kitchenette, complete with sink, fridge, freezer, and cupboard space. We will get room service from the cafeteria at any times. It also has a large flat screen tv, pull out bed couch, and dining table. (As long as everything goes as planned) We will be in this room the entire stay. It is meant to be a little home away from home...

Mommy's Bag

  • Birth Plan
  • Two pillows
  • A book (hoping to bring the one I hinted at Andrew buying me for Christmas)
    • Things Good Mothers Know: A Celebration by Alexandra Stoddard (My favorite author)
    • Crosswords/ word finds 
  • Card Game (most likely UNO, Phase 10, or Kings Crown)
  • My favorite CD's (Mercy Me, Daisy May, & a mix of our wedding playlist)
  • DVDs (Elf and all three Look Who's Talking)
  • Two Sleeping Nursing Bras, & a handful of undies
  • One Regular Sports Bra (I plan to wear this during labor)
  • One Nursing gowns...spaghetti strap
  • Two sets lounge outfits/ pjs 
  • One Going home Outfit (Sweatsuit)
  • Snacks--(cheese & crackers, granola bars, yogurt, applesauce, peach propel)
  • Hot water bottle and a heating pad
  • Toiletry Bag (Contacts, Glasses, Toothbrush, Hair Gel, Sanitary items, lotion, etc.)
  • Breast Feeding Supplies (pump and cover)

Daddy's Bag (Packing a bag for Andrew was suggested by both the hospital and our Dr....So in talking with some other women, apparently this is not typical to pack a daddy's bag, but if he is standing by my side through everything, I want him to be comfortable, too.)

  • IPad and charger
  • Book/Magazine
  • Change of clothes
  • Digital Camera with Charger
  • Video Camera with Charger
  • List of Phone #'s
  • Copy of our Birth Plan and insurance information
  • Loose cash/change (for vending machines)
  • Snacks and Drinks
  • Toiletry Bag
  • Own Pillow

Baby's Bag

  • Coming home outfit
  • Burp cloths
  • We have decided to begin cloth after baby's umbilical stump falls off, so we won't need cloth diapering items
  • Car seat 
  • Winter Suit
  • Scratch Mittens (2 pair)
  • Blankets (3) 1-swaddle, 1-homemade
  • Moo (baby's Luvie)
  • Hats (2), socks (4)
  • Outfits--I packed 3 outfits, but think we will use what the hospital provides during our stay so I don't have extra laundry when we get home...we'll see

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Belly By The Week: Round 7

WOW! Can't believe we are to this point already! Seems like yesterday when I was taking pictures of the "then chubby belly I thought I had!" It scares me that the pregnancy has gone this will I feel 9 months after baby is here!?! Anyway, yesterday was also our 36 Week appointment and final (scheduled) ultrasound. Bittersweet. Baby wasn't very cooperative with images, so its very difficult to make out their position. Not sure if I will post them or not. Baby has hair (confirmed through ultrasound--no surprise there), all major organs look perfect, and baby is measuring a week ahead. (Baby's estimated weight was 6lbs. 14oz.) and I am 1 cm dilated! (And feeling great, but ready for baby to come anytime!)
Here is a recap of all the belly pics to celebrate the past 9 months... and, yes I do wash my clothes, I noticed looking through these that I have the same pants on for several weeks in a row. xo

4 Weeks

5 Weeks

6 Weeks

7 Weeks

8 Weeks

9 Weeks

10 Weeks

11 Weeks

12 Weeks

13 Weeks

14 Weeks

15 Weeks

16 Weeks

17 Weeks

18 Weeks

19 Weeks

20 Weeks

21 Weeks

22 Weeks

23 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

26 Weeks

27 Weeks

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

33 Weeks

34 Weeks

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Nursery Reveal

The big reveal! I am so excited to have the nursery complete and be able to share it with all of you. I completed it a few weeks ago when I finished and added my final craft project to the nursery: The crib Mobile. It was such a sense of relief and excitement to know that it is ready for baby's arrival! I am very happy with how it all turned out and love that each little piece has its own story.
 I hope you enjoy the pictures and remember I spent less than $500 to do it!
This is the view from the doorway. The crib is to the
immediate left and the closet is to the right.

I am standing in front of the dresser to get this view.

The crib with storage bins underneath.
The quilt backdrop is one that my Great
Aunt Nancy made for me when I was born.

Reading corner.
Baby has quite a book collection already! 

My funky thrift store antique rocker.
One of my favorite pieces and
quite possibly Andrews least favorite.

Picture collage above the twin bed.
Top picture: is an antique print of Noah's Ark.
Bottom left: is a bible verse (John 3:16) that
a close friend wrote when she was little, she
passed away from complications of a car
accident when I was in High School.
So happy I found a place for this in the Nursery.
Bottom Right: is an antique print that was used
in a neighbor's mother's nursery. It was a very
special gift to receive. It fits perfectly!

This collage is on the wall looking straight in from the door.
Very top shelf is of antique-wooden Fisher Price toys
from my collection.
The wooden numbers are antique tracing tools
that were used in schools for young children to learn how to
draw the number. (Kind of difficult to see, but the
round button is where they would place their
pencil tip and could trace the motion of the number-
the button slides.)
Bottom Right: Ultrasound photos of Baby starting at 5 weeks.
Bottom Middle: An antique needle point alphabet about America
Bottom Right: Top picture is of Andrew as an infant, bottom is me.
Can you guess where baby's picture will go??

This picture looks cluttered, but it will have to do.
On the wall is the large antiqued U.S. map
to the left (TOP) is a vintage postcard of Michigan
(Middle) is a vintage postcard of Tennessee
(Bottom) is a Norman Rockwell metal sign that reads,
"What a wonderful world."
The dresser is stocked, but is also being used as
storage ground for items that don't have a home yet.
To the far left of the dresser are the packed hospital bags!

Can't forget the rocking horse that started it all...
(It was my first purchase for the nursery.)
I repainted it. It sits on a crate full of gift items
that need to be put away. Eventually,
I hope to put small books/toys in the crate...