Andrew and I had our birthing class two weeks ago. I chose not to put it in its own post because I was so disappointed by it. We paid $75 (the most of all the classes) for the 3- 1/2 hour evening class and it was literally like a lecture from a textbook about labor and delivery with a slideshow and a few movie clips. We never got on the floor to practice labor positions or breathing techniques...we sat in a chair the entire time. Not to mention, Andrew and I were the only couple of 6 that didn't laugh out loud when it showed a woman's Vagina or Breasts during the birth video. WOW. What are we in Middle School Health Class!?! And Scene.
Thankfully, my breastfeeding class last night was completely opposite of my horrible experience with the Birthing Class. I let Andrew stay home for it, since I didn't know how detailed they would get. (Which also allowed him to have a guys night with one of our neighbors that he hasn't been able to hang with in a while.)
I can honestly say that of all things to be anxious about the closer baby gets here, is breastfeeding. It's nothing that I'm scared about or fear that I'll quit, it's more just not feeling educated and/or prepared...(hence why I took the breastfeeding class). A friend also loaned me a book called, The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins- 6th Edition, which has helped out tremendously in easing some of that anxiety. I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but Andrew also helped me set up a "breastfeeding station" in our bedroom, including a mini-fridge with Propel, waters, cheese, apples, and yogurts for me to re-fuel during the night or just a little sanctuary to go to when we have company the first 3-4 weeks after baby is here so I can focus on breastfeeding and not worry about having people come in and out or me disrupting a feeding, needing something to eat or drink. I will also keep the pumped breast milk in this fridge so it stays separate from the kitchen fridge.
The Breastfeeding class was taught by the lactation specialist whom I will most likely see in my days at the hospital. She has been a lactation specialist for over 20 years. I learned so much in the 2- 1/2 hour class and feel that I wouldn't have questioned paying double what I did for all the information I received. She also gave each new mother her personal email and phone # to call or email at any time with questions, anytime. Since Andrew didn't attend the class, I went through my notes when I got home while everything was fresh on my brain. Its still a little scary, but I feel like I have "fight power and knowledge" to jump those breastfeeding hurdles with now.
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