Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Diaper Dilemma

I have been battling myself whether or not to use cloth diapers. (My mom used them for me)... Here are my pro's and con's

-Less likely to develop diaper rash
-Easier to potty train at an early age
-Healthier for the environment compared to diapers in landfills
-Fun patterns and colors for the covers!
-$$$ saver! Approximately $300 vs. $2000 (disposable diapers) during the diaper years*

-Time Consuming
-Minimum of one load of dirty (diaper) laundry to do daily-Not to mention increase in water & electric bill
-Traveling inconvenience??

I did a little research and found that there is a diaper service here in Chattanooga! (YAY)
I have heard that cloth diaper services can be just as expensive as disposable diapers, but in my research i found that the Chattanooga service Wee Care Diaper Service offers something called SwaddleSwap. It is a cheaper alternative to having them delivered to your door (which runs about $26.99/week or about $1200/year). SwaddleSwap is ($16.99/week or about $815/year) and offers you a private pick up locker location-mine would be the mall parking lot about 20 minutes away. You have a designated pick up day once a week between 6am and 9pm to bring your dirties and exchange for clean ones (approx. 70 diapers per week). Another plus to this service is that you can purchase the diaper covers on Amazon (my baby registry site) cheaper than what you can buy from them! I am very much considering this option as it is still cheaper than disposable diapers but offers me the benefits of cloth diapering. I would love feedback to hear what you think about cloth and/or disposable diapers! xo

* Statistic found at http://www.whattoexpect.com/diapering-essentials/cloth-vs-disposables.aspx
Wee Care Diaper Service of Chattanooga: http://weecarediaperservice.com/

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