Friday, August 2, 2013

Ultrasound Experience

So we have officially had four ultrasounds so far...WHAT. AN. AMAZING. EXPERIENCE.

1st/2nd (done within a few days of one another) ultrasound was to confirm heartbeat so I could be passed on from my Gyno to the OB.
These were done at 7 and 7 1/2 weeks.



3rd ultrasound was done at 9 1/2 weeks to once again confirm pregnancy (by OB) and evaluate the shape of my uterus.

4th ultrasound was done, today at 19 weeks, 5 days to get measurements of baby. (Baby measured 3 days older than we thought, so our due date bumped up to 12/22/13!) This was also the ultrasound we found out gender!

IT'S A....................................................................................................Stubborn, 11 oz, Healthy Baby!

We stuck to our guns and are waiting for the big day to find out.... that's just not how we roll.
So Dr. said that everything looks amazing. As I said, baby weighs in at a whopping 11 ounces and the heart rate was 144 (last time was 145 and previously between 140-145). Did I mention that baby was being stubborn?! (Could this mean a little BOY is in our future taking after the Father??) The ultrasound took longer than normal because someone wasn't cooperating...Toward the end I started feeling faint/sick so she had me roll to my side and finish up in that position. The final shot was the feet and do you think that baby would stay still? I couldn't see how squirmy he/she was being, but by Andrew's laugh, I could tell it was entertaining. These are the best shots we got (give or take on the feet shot!)
Next appointment is in 4 weeks for general check-up, no ultrasound.


Side Profile of Foot (one tucked under another)


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