Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4 Months!

First off I can't believe its been 20 days since my last post (my apologies). We have had company in town and have been having so much fun. Lots of fun posts upcoming about our visits and visitors...
(and some Easter pics!)

This month was Andrew's last birthday in his twenties and Josie happened to turn 4 months on his birthday. Josie had her 4 month appointment this week...

Weighing in at 15lbs 11oz
25-1/2 inches long (a 3-1/2 inch growth in 2 months!)
I am so close to rolling from back to front.
My hand is in my mouth 23 hours of the day.
I have recently started bringing toys to my mouth.
I have been sleeping through the night!
I love to hear myself "talk."
I am drinking 6-1/2oz of milk every 3 hours.

This is probably a broken record to you other mom's out there, but WHERE DOES TIME GO!?

We also got the okay to start cereal (and solids in a few weeks) at her appointment.
We are starting out with 1-2 tbsp a day. (She's not liking it,yet)
I decided to start with rice, but will probably switch to oatmeal...the rice was supposed to be easier to start with, but can also back her up on bm's. I think I will get some oatmeal and try that next week.
I am starting with Earth's Best brand cereals. They weren't much more than Gerber brand so I thought, why not. I plan to make her all the solid purees, but purchased some Earth's Best baby food jars just to start out with and let our garden catch up so I can start freezing prepared meals.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


We have been loving our 70 and 80 degree days this week. The trees are in bloom, windows open and birds chirping. We have even had to kick on the A/C a couple evenings! And the yard already needs it's second mowing of the year. Josie and I have been going outside everyday and sitting on a blanket in the yard or on the porch. Here are some pictures so you can share in our beautiful weather (and give some of you a little faith that Spring will truly come this year). This weekend we are having a huge BBQ and bonfire...what better way to celebrate the coming of SPRING! We are looking forward to our many upcoming visitors, too!

Sun Beauty.

No the white flakes falling is not snow...its flower petals :)
Our Tulip Tree, which is also TN's State Tree.
This picture doesn't do it justice.
The Bees are already busy at work!

Decided to go simple with my DIY wreath. I bought the grapvine
base from a farmers market from a woman that made them from
dead vine in the mountains :)

Whiskey Barrel Planter Boxes are in Bloom!