(and some Easter pics!)
This month was Andrew's last birthday in his twenties and Josie happened to turn 4 months on his birthday. Josie had her 4 month appointment this week...
Weighing in at 15lbs 11oz
25-1/2 inches long (a 3-1/2 inch growth in 2 months!)
I am so close to rolling from back to front.
My hand is in my mouth 23 hours of the day.
I have recently started bringing toys to my mouth.
I have been sleeping through the night!
I love to hear myself "talk."
I am drinking 6-1/2oz of milk every 3 hours.
This is probably a broken record to you other mom's out there, but WHERE DOES TIME GO!?
We also got the okay to start cereal (and solids in a few weeks) at her appointment.
We are starting out with 1-2 tbsp a day. (She's not liking it,yet)
I decided to start with rice, but will probably switch to oatmeal...the rice was supposed to be easier to start with, but can also back her up on bm's. I think I will get some oatmeal and try that next week.
I am starting with Earth's Best brand cereals. They weren't much more than Gerber brand so I thought, why not. I plan to make her all the solid purees, but purchased some Earth's Best baby food jars just to start out with and let our garden catch up so I can start freezing prepared meals.
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