*Quick redirect- I have already had some women come up and begin touching my belly, and so to fend them off I just say that no that is just my beer gut. (For those of you who do not get the humor--I hate beer.)
Anyway- I began taking weekly belly pictures, beginning with the day I found out. If you put them all together, you can really see something special coming together! (Or maybe that's the difference between eating saltines or a giant burrito for lunch....)
Here are the ones to catch you up to now....
Also a note of reference, I lost 5 lbs between weeks 5 & 6 (nausea) and did not gain any as of week 9 1/2 at my last doctor visit. Dr. said she was not worried at this point because I was "healthy" to begin with and was not underweight. However, hoping that we start seeing a little (healthy) weight gain by my next appointment on the 21st.
Next week's post: You get to meet our Doctor! xo
4 weeks (day I found out)
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
10 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks
You can really see the beginning of the growth! Very amazing! Keep the pics coming :) xo