So I always had full intentions of making the announcement of a baby a big over the top thing for Andrew. As the months (SLOWLY) went by and no such announcements were made, I decided when that day came to just keep it simple...
I had received a call from my nurse a week prior to getting a positive result that we had a positive ovulation for the month! YAY! I was scheduled to get blood work done a week from that day to confirm or dismiss a pregnancy result. Andrew and I decided together we would wait to do home testing (pee stick) until I had officially missed my period or until the blood results came back. I did pretty good for the beginning of the week (as in past months, I kept the home pregnancy test companies in business.) However, I began to slip slowly and allowed my curiosity (and desire) get the best of me. So, on April 17, I purchased a home test which I took at work. OMG + OMG + OMG. I put the used pregnancy test in a ziplock and shoved it in my purse and did a little research.
On my way home that evening I had to stop and get Andrew a birthday card. I also picked up a pack of poppy seeds.
The card read, "(FRONT)Double the happy wishes...(INSIDE) ...with double the love from both of us. Happy Birthday." I wrote below that..."I cannot wait to 'grow' old with you & watch our seeds bloom! I love you so much! xoxo Me."
And included the pack of poppy seeds inside (which according to my research was the size of the baby at that time).
I worked late that evening, and came home to Andrew in bed, reading. I had already given him his birthday gift two weeks earlier (classic) and told him that since I had to work another late day tomorrow that I wanted him to open his birthday card early.
He read it twice, thanked me with a great look of confusion, and finally asked if I wanted him to plant the seeds in the garden??? (As we had just planted our garden the previous weekend). FAIL!
So I broke it to him the old fashioned way ("You are going to be a Dad, I'm Pregnant.") and we hugged, kissed, and laughed at the failed attempt of the Poppy Seed announcement.
Happy Father's Day! We celebrated by going camping last night and I cooked Andrew his favorite breakfast of Corned Beef Hash and Eggs with one Toast n Jam and One with Peanut Butter this morning. The baby and the dogs also sent him a Father's Day card in the mail, which he opened, yesterday.
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