Friday, November 8, 2013

Final Project: Crib Mobile

Clarification: By Final Project, I mean before baby comes...

I really wanted to incorporate photos of Baby's grandparents somehow into the nursery. I was pretty cramped for a wall space collage, so had to come up with something else. I contemplated doing a photo square quilt that the baby could do tummy time on, a fabric book with photos, fabric cubes with photos, or just basic flash cards. 
For whatever reason I had a very difficult time choosing a mobile to put on the registry or even find one that I liked, handmade or not. It occurred to me one day that I could do a mobile of the grandparents photos. It took me a few months to decide how to do it and even as I was making it, things changed. 
Here is how it turned out and the steps I took to complete it....
I did not pay attention to how much this project cost me because all items used were things I had on hand already, so it would be difficult. If I had to make a guess, I would say under $10...

Items I used:
-Wooden Shapes  (rectangle for photos, heart, and disc.)
-Yellow/cream string I had on hand and sewing needle
-Mod Pog
-Grey and Red Paint
-Painters Tape
-Photos I printed from home
-Plaid fabric

I painted all the wooden shapes with two coats each,
front and back, then printed and trimmed the photos to size.
(I put the corresponding spouse of the
grandma/grandpa on the back of each--
on the back of my moms, is a second copy of my dad, etc)

I put a smooth coat of Mod Pog on the fronts of the
picture shapes and centered the picture on top.
(This took the most time...I allowed each coat of
Mod Pog to dry for 24hrs before putting on another
coat. I did 3 coats total, front and back, which took 6 days
to complete)

It was in my original plan to use painter tape to create/paint
a plaid pattern on each side of the disc.

I had two additional shapes left over
and wanted to incorporate the heart somehow.
I can't even remember how I thought of it,
 but I used Mod Pog to adhere plaid fabric
that I had on hand to the extra pieces...
it worked great! (Now you know why I didn't
continue painting the disc...)

I then used the same fabric to finish the disc.
I wrote with a fine tip sharpie on the heart;
"Wherever you are, my love will follow."
I used sewing pins to use as markers for pre-drilled
holes I had made to attach the pieces together.
I used a large gauge sewing needle to thread the
string through each hole and tied knots where
necessary to keep each piece in place.
Ta-Da! It turned out better than I planned.
It is very simple, but so special to know
that our baby will fall asleep to such
loving faces and become familiar with
them as they grow.

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