Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bad Mommy

Everyone has their opinions, everyone thinks that their way is best, everyone does something a little different than the way you do it...

Here are a list of things that have labeled me as a "Bad Mommy..." I will not explain myself for why I did these things, I will only say that I only do what works best for us, in Josie's best interest.

  • I gave my 3 day old daughter a pacifier, which we are still using.
  • I pump instead of feed her from the breast.
  • She sleeps with us, in our bed, between our heads majority of nights.
  • I let her sleep on her stomach if she wants. 
  • I heat her bottles up in the microwave.
This post is not to make anyone feel guilty for letting me know what they think or to tell you you are wrong, it is simply to let other mom's who have done some or all of the above things that they are NOT a bad mommy and encourage them to keep doing what they are doing because what works for one baby doesn't necessarily work for the next. This post is also not to encourage you to do any of these things just because it works for us, JUST DO-YOU! Don't feel guilty for doing things that are said to be VOO-DOO in the baby/new parenting world. Why do you think they make dozens of different style bottles, different shaped pacifier nipples, different fabrics blankets, and quite the variety of diapers---ALL BABIES ARE DIFFERENT, that is one thing that makes them so uniquely yours...

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